I loved it man very Xiao Xiao reminicent.Great work man loved the choreography and the dialogue.10 all the way DO MORE DO MORE!!!!
I loved it man very Xiao Xiao reminicent.Great work man loved the choreography and the dialogue.10 all the way DO MORE DO MORE!!!!
needed more to it
My Spanish isnt all that great so I could only make out about half of what was being said.Still managed to get the jist of the story though which seemed weird.Seemed like it was meant to convey something bigger than thae flash animations which just didnt happen.Sorry man maybe next time give us some English subtitles as well and try and make you animation more crisp.
Yo I had an acc here waayyy back in the day and was high ranking and stuff but I guess its no more .Good to be back and see the site is still doing well,I love the games on here and I have so many good memories of funny stuff on ere keep em comin fellas.
Age 36, Male
cook/martial artist
North Carolina
Joined on 4/5/09